Hello {username},
Congratulations, and thanks for being part of sip wine bar wine of the month membership.
Here are your membership details:
{membership_name_lbl} |
{membership_name} |
{membership_start_lbl} |
{membership_start_date} |
{membership_price_lbl} |
{membership_price} |
{transaction_id_lbl} |
{transaction_id} |
{pickup_date_lbl} |
{pickup_date} |
{pickup_from_store_lbl} |
{pickup_date} |
{gift_message_lbl} {gift_message}
You can view all the details about your membership in your account. If you have any questions please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For gift membership details please ask yout gift giver for details on the membership.
Thanks & Regards,
sip self serve wine bar